Watson Adventures: Service Design Solution


Design Research, Service Design, Problem Solving, Web UI/UX

My role:

Solution visualization, Research & Interview

Our SVA student team worked with Watson Adventures to help them improve their current service design.

About Watson Adventures

Watson Adventures is a company that provides scavanger hunt events. The company was founded in 1999, and around 500,000 participants across the US. It was designed for general public of all ages as well as corporate groups for team building. They provide fun ways to explore museums, famous public spaces (parks, monuments), and neighbourhoods.

Types of events

Given Scope:

Make hybrid hunts a better experience for both hosts and participants

Why this challenge?

Good for business: can have presence in more cities and have bigger market It is a more affordable option:

“We won't have to pay our staff additionally for reaching the remote location. If a client has a tight budget, we can arrange for a remote host.”
What are the recognized problems (by them)?
  1. Zoom setup
  2. Zoom via their phone and check their game 'app' (on a browser) at the same time
  3. Uses a high amount of phone battery
  4. Disturbance: No quiet environment No stable internet connection
  5. Browser-based game: how to make “a browser to kind of act like an app” (-Stacy)
  6. Tight on budget

“The more complicated we make the app the more bells and whistles we keep building into it. The chances of it breaking get higher and higher.” … “we already have a lot of challenges getting it to operate smoothly on Apple and Android”
Salient Attributes: Public/Private & In-person/Hybrid Scavenger Hunts
Methodology on Each Stage


Central Park | Experiencing as a User

Key Screens
After first hunt

After we participated in the hybrid hunt as a user, we created user journey and came up with first insights.

User Journey
Our Learnings and Progress


MET: Murder Mystery Metropolitan Museum & Public Scavenger Hunt Grand Central
Interviewing Host and Participants

After MET and Grand Central Hunt

In this stage, we were able to interview hosts and participants based on the refined insights we created on previous stage.

Research Goals
Our Learnings and Progress

Research Methods

We used multiple research methods including service blueprint, user persona and user journey based on interviews and our insights

Service Blueprint
User Persona spectrum: Host
Host: Optimistic and composed
  • She is an actor, been in NYC for 16 years, worked for Watson for 9 years
  • Into theatre/ orator, music and acting
  • Easy Money. More flexible and can connect from any place.
  • No restriction of time and space

User Persona spectrum: Participant
Participant: Educator - friendly and extrovert
  • Adventurous. Wants to vent out their office stress and enjoy while sipping a coffee
  • Recommended to 2 more friends to join this time
  • Likes to explore places and spend weekends in doing something different every time

5E User Journey


Public Scavenger Hunt MET Museum Hollywood Movies & Scavenger Hunt Midtown (Paley Park)

Getting feedback from users as a way to codesign

Design Suggestion

In this stage we came up with design suggestions and tested them out during interviews. Our suggestions are focusing on Touchpoints- improving and exploring opportunities rather than systems and strategy.



No promotion about event on social media

Solution: Social Media - posts that promote upcoming events

Unclear information about hunt during the booking process.

Solution: Add program explanation on the booking process pages

Some participants don't read the booking mail carefully

Solution: Add different options for getting information update when booking

Information hierarchy and structure unclear

Solution: Enhance the instructions graphically

Game Route

Room for Improvement: clear and linear game route, from start to end point.

Hard to find restroom and water during the hunt

Solution: Add icons when the clue is close to the rest spot

Unclear question navigation process

Solution: Combine location and photo questions

Currently the process of uploading photo is complex

Solution: Simplify & clarify the process of uploading photos

No visual indication of alert

Solution: Make alert for announcements

Current alarm is for every team

Solution: Host send message to specific group

The way to end the game is not clear.

Solution: Add one more step to clearly explain.

Photo gallery

Room for Improvement: Images that can be edited and shared

Lack of incentive for next hunt

Solution: Incentive for second time customers
This project was able to be created thanks to Watson Adventures.
Team Member

Yiran Chi, Jueun Jeon, Amogh Gharpure, Harshi Rambhia


Marshall Sitten